
January 24, 2022

V+O Greece hosts a Business Day workshop at PANORAMA of Entrepreneurship and Career Development Multi – conference

For the 3rd year in a row, V+O Greece hosted a Business Day workshop, following its long-standing cooperation with the PANORAMA of Entrepreneurship and Career Development Multi–conference.


This year we are happier than ever that we celebrated our 20years of history and shared some great experiences with 90+ aspiring young students and graduates.


Our Business Development & Corporate Affairs Director, Vassilis Mourdoukoutas, welcomed our guests and introduced them to the holistic and multidisciplinary approach of V+O Greece.


The V+O virtual Business Day continued with several exciting sessions: the attendees were introduced to the passion of creativity and digital curiosity, respectively, by our own masterminds Elina Karagianni (General Manager of UNLIMITED Creativity) and Tania Giakoumaki (General Manager of Curious Ahead), along with a journey to the basics of tourism marketing and a glimpse of travel trends during the covid-19 pandemic, by Theofilos Kyratsoulis, General Manager of MINDHAUS.


The online educational day ended with the presentation of four integrated and awarded projects developed by V+O Greece, leading to an interactive discussion.

We want to thank all attendees for their participation. We will hopefully renew our meeting in a year!


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