Free Rides For Free Spirits, Sol Beer

Sol beer is originally from Mexico and it has been placed on the Serbian market through Heineken group. As a premium brand, Sol beer celebrates independence and free spirit.
The main goal was to make this beer more popular and familiar among males 27-35 years old, to distance the beer from its main competitor (Corona beer) and to bring out the brand's free spirit philosophy and overall identity through various guerrilla activations. Challenges that needed to be overcome were high retail prices and resemblance to the main competitor.
Project Scope
The goal was to reward those who feel and live in harmony with the message of the brand, with a free ride in a specially-branded Ford Mustang, and of course - cold Sol beer.
During the activation period, using the slogan "Free rides for free spirit" promo team was also visiting places which are known fortheir free spirit and independence, as well as famous people who lead the "espiritu libre" way of life. Despite the fact that corporate people were not among our key target groups we kindled their free spirit by visiting business areas cafes offering awards (free ride and cold Sol) to those who chose to take off their ties. All activities were recorded and video & photos were posted on social networks.
Duration: 10 days
Cities visited: Two - Belgrade and Novi Sad
Places visited (bars, cafes, tattoo and design studios, barber shops, record stores, art galeries, etc.): 60
Number of people on the ride: 131
Delivered samplings (people and places visited – cca): 600
Approximate number of people who saw the promo activity – campaign visibility: cca 25.000 people
New page likes on SOL Facebook page: +500
Post reach on SOL Facebook page: + 102 500 people
Engagement: on SOL Facebook page: +4500 people