Mastercard - Live A Legacy

Amidst evolution and progress, women are still underrepresented in business areas. More specifically, while pursuing a career on the field of technology.
MasterCard Greece, a fintech giant, opted for a corporate initiative that would inspire and empower women on the aspects of equality and access to the professional environment.
Starting from June 2018, V+O has designed an aspirational corporate initiative for MasterCard Greece, entitled “Live A Legacy”, which became one of company’s best practices in the EMEA Region, also being distinguished with several local (Greece) and international PR awards.
The MasterCard’s corporate initiative is now facing its fourth year of successful implementation.
Project Scope
The initiative was designed on the basis of highlighting MasterCard’s DEI commitment and its efforts toward women empowerment on the professional field.
To support the strategy of the corporate initiative we implement the following tactics:
- We achieved collaboration with the strategic partner Women On Top, an acclaimed Greek NGO for women empowerment
- We succeeded to gain endorsement of significant female ambassadors of diverse background and profiles, that helped us raise awareness, discussion and general interest around the issue
- We created two unique all-day physical events, providing mentoring and guidance as well as personal development tips, to young female attendants
- The pandemic didn’t stopped us of introducing the phygital version of the Mastecard’s initiative
- We created a multi-channel communication plan (pre-during-post), delivering meaningful storytelling that highlighted the values and goals of the initiative, every step of the way
- We highlighted Mastercard’s practical contribution to the cause, by offering paid internships in the company’s marketing and technology departments, as well as in the network of its partners
Results so far have been impressive and exceeded initial expectations, setting LAL as a benchmark initiative for MasterCard Greece:
- +1500 attendants of the 3 events, a fact showing the actual need of young women for such initiatives and projects
- A strong Strategic partnership focusing on women’s empowerment and offering valuable content though its mentor.
- An online platform as the key vehicle of the initiative, during all three years of implementation
- 44 women speakers supported and communicated our client’s initiative, through storytelling content, best practices and inspiring speeches
- 450 participants in the training and mentoring sessions performed by 33 mentors and 15 trainers with solid expertise on how to deliver practical guidelines to young women
- 100 participants in the six months mentoring program
- +250 press clippings presented in TIER 1 online and print Media
- 130.000.000 impressions/ views of our digital campaigns
- Real time engagement with more than 300 social media posts before and during the events
- 1170 CV’s have been uploaded on the registration platform, to be considered for the total of 10 paid internships that have been given during the first three years of implementation