The Value of Minerals, Hellas Gold / Eldorado Gold

V+O has been handling the Public & Local Affairs program of the Kassandra Mines project, concerning one of the most important projects for mineral wealth in Northern Greece. To this end, V+O was also assigned to upgrade the general perception of Hellas Gold, as the strategic contributor of the project.
Our key challenge was to educate the general public about the crucial importance of minerals and, therefore, introduce a campaignable communication concept that would achieve raising awareness on the importance of the Mining Sector, provider of valuable raw materials.
Project Scope:
To overcome the challenge, we created a campaign with a focus on communicating the ‘value’ (poso polytima) of minerals to our everyday lives, alongside with the impact of the sector, thus the investment of HELLAS GOLD in our country. That’s how the Toso Polytima (So precious) came to life and changed the conversation about our client.
The campaign utilized a combination of assets, both online and offline, and specifically a long format, inspirational video (posted on the brand’s Social Channels), print and radio ads, as well as various types of social media formats content (link posts, on Facebook consisting of video links, cinemagraphs, carousels, static posts). All assets direct the audiences to the main hub of the campaign, its dedicated microsite, that offered rich educational content regarding the importance of minerals in our lives. Through the microsite we also managed to create awareness on the HELLAS GOLD best practices and policies.
The consumer-facing campaign was supported by an extensive publicity plan with native articles in all Tier-1 print and online media, a press conference and a press release. Through this communication activities, the message for the minerals’ benefits and the impact of our client in the everyday life of consumers, reached an extended audience across all demographics. The campaign has been further developed, communication wise, focusing on the environmental best practices held by Hellas Gold.
The campaign generated impactful commenting for the client and an overall positive sentiment
- 2.216 engagement reactions which 78% of them being positive
- 1.2M Reach and 3.7M total Impressions [positive views]
- 20.2K total Link Clicks
- Total Video Views 453K